But, though Semler was really not inconsistent with himself in attacking the views of Reimarus and Bahrdt, his popularity began from that year to decline, and towards the end of his life he felt the necessity of emphasizing the apologetic and conservative value of true historical inquiry. For Kant was now prepared to formulate his general inquiry in a definite fashion. It is difficult to make these views quite consistent; but at any rate Hume emphatically maintains that " reason is no motive to action," except so far as it " directs the impulse received from appetite or inclination "; 2 Hume's ethical view was finally stated in his Inquiry into the Principles of Morals (1751), which is at once more popular and more purely utilitarian than his earlier work. Hitherto the praetor had conducted the preliminary inquiry as to whether an action would lie, and had appointed for the actual trial of the case a deputy, whom he instructed in the law applicable to the case and whose decisions he enforced. Inquiry definition, a seeking or request for truth, information, or knowledge. How had their conversation gone from an inquiry about money to a litmus test of their stay in Texas? The Riksdag, however, finally agreed to a proposal by Bishop Billing, a member of the First Chamber, that an address should be presented to the king asking for a full inquiry into the question of extending the franchise for the election of members to the Second Chamber. The form into which he threw his investigation seems to have deterred many able physicists from the inquiry into the ulterior cause of capillary phenomena, and induced them to rest content with deriving them from the fact of surface-tension. The government has announced the terms of reference for its proposed committee of inquiry: 24. The full implications of the group of ideas require, and are likely to receive, much attention in the immediate future of biological investigation, but it is enough at present to point out that until the more obvious lines of inquiry have been opened out much more fully, we cannot be in a position to guess at the existence of a residuum, for which such a metaphysical conception as bathmism would serve even as a convenient disguise for ignorance. A 16-year-old student has been given a suspended jail sentence for forging a Hong Kong identity card after complaining his photo on the genuine item was “too ugly”.Fanling Court on Monday jailed Liu Can for three months, but suspended that sentence for three years, after police found the fake ID on the … If the cause be ecclesiastical, the civil judges are to take no part in the inquiry. Maclay's History of the Navy, a court of inquiry investigated Schley's conduct before and during the battle of Santiago; on the 13th of December 1901 the court pronounced Schley guilty of delay in locating Cervera's squadron, of carelessness in endangering the "Texas" by a peculiar "loop" movement or turn of the "Brooklyn" which blanketed the fire of other American vessels, and of disobedience to a departmental order of the 25th of May, but it recommended that no action be taken. An inquiry into the foundations of character. It really couldn't be simpler - register online to host your dinner at the POWER Inquiry website call them on 0845 345 5307. outset that the government would co-operate with the Inquiry in full. This was to start a private inquiry of her own. The formatting begins with the addressing; you can use your company letterhead, or type your name, address, and contact information, followed by a space, the date, another … The department is authorized, on receipt of such report, to direct an inquiry to be made into the cause of any accident so reported, and the inspector appointed to make the inquiry is given power to enter any railway premises for the purposes of his inquiry, and to summon any person engaged upon the railway to attend the inquiry as a witness, and to require the production of all books, papers and documents which he considers important for the purpose. He, therefore, abandoned the purely intellectual sphere and proposed an inquiry into the data given by the senses, from which he held that all true knowledge really comes. Statistical inquiry into the facts of life has long been employed, and in particular Francis Galton, within the Darwinian period, has advocated its employment and developed its methods. His gaze followed hers and he lifted a brow in inquiry. In this country it would have been an inquiry intothe state of the match industry. The president has the power to appoint assessors to advise him on technical points; and considerable powers of devolution of authority for the purpose of inquiry and report are conferred upon the court, the main object of which is to secure settlement by conciliatory methods. It is not, however, a change in the rates for the land which he already holds, but an inquiry into and record of the changes in his former holding or of any new land which he may wish to take up. The inquiry is, therefore, logical or transcendental in its nature, and does not entangle us in any decision as to the conditions of the genesis of such consciousness in the individual. xiv. (1766); " An Inquiry into the Probable Parallax and Magnitude of the Fixed Stars," ibid. Inquiry still takes this shape, and when any part of Disraeli's career is studied, the laces and essences, the rings over gloves, the jewelled satin shirt-fronts, the guitareries and chibouqueries of his early days are never remote from memory. How such a security lapse could occur needs a full independent public inquiry. The good effects of " Faunal " works such as those named in the foregoing rapid survey none can doubt, but important as they are, they do not of themselves constitute ornithology as a science; and an inquiry, no less wide and far more recondite, still remains. Both terms are nouns used to refer to “an act of asking for information” or “an official investigation.” In its traditional sense, enquiry and its corresponding verb form enquire are used for the general sense “ask.” “Enquiry replies are key element when you are selling any property” Varro's greatest predecessor in this field of inquiry, the man who turned over the virgin soil, was Cato the Censor. Anything short of this is merely descriptive and empirical, and affords no rational basis for inquiry into the mode in which the distribution of plant-life has been brought about. For further information on automotive turntables please contact us with your specific inquiry. The appointment of the majority of public officials is vested in the king, who can himself dismiss cabinet ministers and certain others, whereas in most cases a judicial inquiry is necessary before dismissal. The evidence for Jewish colonies at Elephantine in Upper Egypt (5th century B.C.) These are useful so far as they go, but they lack the impartiality that would be secured by an inquiry such as is held in England. Alters= It may be convenient here to state that certain alterations of areas can only be effected through the med i um lo of the Local Government Board after local inquiry. His acceptance in any particular case of the version given by an annalist by no means implies that he has by careful inquiry satisfied himself of its truth. Pursuing the inquiry, he found that its velocity was uniform with respect to no single point within the orbit, but that the areas described, in equal times, by a line drawn from the sun to the planet were strictly equal. said she, in a tone of pathetic inquiry, prepared to sympathize in any way. Until the view of the individual units with which we are so far familiar has undergone radical revision, the primary inquiry must be into the forms of a class-calculus. As far back as the Paraclete days, he had counted as chief among his foes Bernard of Clairvaux, in whom was incarnated the principle of fervent and unhesitating faith, from which rational inquiry like his was sheer revolt, and now this uncompromising spirit was moving, at the instance of others, to crush the growing evil in the person of the boldest offender. Macpherson's Original Papers (1775); Swift's Some Considerations upon the Consequences from the Death of the Queen, An Inquiry into the Behaviour of the Queen's last Ministry, Hist. As the Inquiry is considering inmates who have little or no prospect of release from custody, for ease of expression, we shall refer to them in this submission as 'lifers'. It is therefore requisite for the inquiry to have before us instances in which the nature is present. A commission of inquiry, under the emperor's presidency, was now established to elaborate the means for carrying this promise into effect. Inquiry definition, a seeking or request for truth, information, or knowledge. It is in induction, which claims to start from particulars and end in universals, 2 that we must, if anywhere within the confines of logical inquiry, expect to find the required bridge. The Local Government Board must make inquiry into the propriety of allowing the lands to be taken, and the power to acquire the lands compulsorily can only be conferred by means of a provisional order confirmed by parliament. In short, the attitude of the sophists towards inquiry in general precluded them, collectively and individually, from attachment to any particular theory. Much light was thrown upon their position by the agricultural inquiry (inchiesta agraria) completed in 1884. In the Only Possible Ground of Proof for the Existence of God, the argument, though largely Leibnitzian, advances one step farther towards the ultimate inquiry. In the UK, inquiry is used to denote an investigation, enquiry is used to denote a question.However, there is still considerable leniency on this distinction. For the logical inquiry, however, it is permissible to ignore or reduce these differences. they are devoted to the re-examination of the nature of the moral consciousness to the exclusion of alien branches of inquiry. In 1889 a further inquiry was undertaken, known as the "Census of Hallucinations," which provided information as to the percentage of individuals in the general population who, at some period of their lives, while they were in a normal state of health, had had "a vivid impression of seeing or being touched by a living being or inanimate object, or of hearing a voice; which impression, so far as they could discover, was not due to any external cause. As an inquiry let someone knows about a thing deeply so it should include a brief explanation about the purpose of the letter that you wanted to accomplish. Paths toward a clearing: radical empiricism and ethnographic inquiry. You can write an inquiry letter to find information on products, prices, schools, a job opening, etc. At the time of the Inquiry, the trustees were on the point of renewing the lease with their new landlord. Then he went to Rome and Naples and visited Vesuvius and Pompeii, called on Volta at Milan, spent the summer in Geneva, and returning to Rome occupied the winter with an inquiry into the composition of ancient colours. But such a line of argument is certain to make necessary an inquiry into the nature of the objects of psychological study which may produce quite unforeseen results for psychology. His mission was one of enquiry, and for the suggestion of remedial measures. What does inquiry mean? How to use inquire in a sentence. The question of the truth of our knowledge, and the question of the ultimate nature of what we know, are in reality two sides of the same inquiry; and therefore our epistemological results have to be ontologically expressed. Examples of inquiry into in a sentence: 1. Not every job opening appears on a job board or search engine.Some of the best opportunities are filled internally or through referrals, so you might have to get proactive to find your dream job at a company you'd love to work for. the course of the inquiry it was proved that the letters had emanated from a man named Pigott, who had at one time been associated with the Irish Nationalist movement, but who for some time past had earned a precarious living by writing begging and threatening letters. After devoting some time to the inquiry he found that by combining lenses formed of different kinds of glass the effect of the unequal refrangibility of light was corrected, and in 1733 he succeeded in constructing telescopes which exhibited objects free from colour. The Hutton inquiry has shown that John Scarlett, chair of the JIC, produced a draft dossier on 10th September. For a time Giolitti successfully opposed inquiry into the conditions of the state banks, but on the 21st of March was compelled to sanction an official investigation by a parliamentary commission composed of seven members. But in view of the extreme importance of the matter, and especially of the evidence that, for some cause or other (which may or may not be the examination system), intellectual interest and initiative seem to diminish in many cases very markedly during school and college life in England, the whole subject seems to call for a searching and impartial inquiry. By the Opposition, who now found themselves the defenders of conservatism in the established fiscal policy of the country, this whole argument was scouted; but for a time the demand merely for inquiry, and the production of figures, gave no sufficient occasion for dissension among Unionists, even when, like Sir M. In 1819, when the marquess of Lansdowne brought forward his motion for an inquiry into the causes of the distress and discontent in the manufacturing districts, Grenville delivered an alarmist speech advocating repressive measures. So, business inquiries email are email used to ask for information. Example sentences with the word inquiry. The police watchdog is to conduct a second inquiry into Scotland Yard's controversial Forest Gate anti-terror raid, it has been confirmed. It meant inquiry, investigation, not narrative. On the other hand, the pivot of his teaching was the appeal to primitive antiquity; and in this respect he helped to start inquiry which has since gone far beyond the materials which were open to one of his generation. 3. His inquiry is based on teleological principles. An attack made on the prince regent at the opening of parliament on the 28th of January 1817 led to an inquiry, which revealed the existence of an. This theory brought together, as it were, the most varied compounds, and stimulated inquiry into many fields. - As the Sabbath was originally a religious feast, the question of the origin of the Sabbath resolves itself into an inquiry why and in what circle a festal cycle of seven days was first established. 20 examples: I focus on how microscopists made the invisible fine structure of this tissue… These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. They refuted him easily on many specific points, but carefully abstained from discussing the real question, at issue, namely the propriety of free inquiry. Clarifying. Copyright © 2016 sentencedict.com All Rights Reserved Contact. Xander shook his head at the questioning look the Guardian gave him, the silent inquiry as to whether he tried to turn her. There it was an inquiry intothe cost of living in the town where the match factory was located. You would not want a rerun of the area plan inquiry. liquefyllaneous The CC has published the proposed final report in the Domestic bulk liquefied petroleum gas inquiry. Edward Gans (q.v.) (noun) An example of inquiry... Middle English enquery, from the Old French verb enquerre, from Latin inquīrō.Later respelled to conform to the He spoke out in favor of building the largest primate research center in Europe at the Cambridge primate lab inquiry in 2002/03. Our first inquiry is whether the universe extends indefinitely in all directions, or whether there are limits beyond which the stars Limits of are not distributed. Production in the form of a series of relatively self-contained treatises accounts for the absence of a name and general definition of their common field of inquiry. ); the Society of American Foresters (1900), which publishes Proceedings (1905 sqq. inquiry in a sentence - Use "inquiry" in a sentence 1. At the same time Democritus distinguished between obscure (UKOTG1j) cognition, resting on sensation alone, and genuine (yvrjoL), which is the result of inquiry by reason, and is concerned with atoms and void, the only real existences. Owing to disease among the silk-worms the industry has declined of recent years; and in 1886 an inquiry was held, which resulted in putting the silk-rearing industry of Bengal on a better basis. From 1879 to 1888 he was engaged on difficult experimental investigations, which began with an inquiry into the corrections required, owing to the great pressures to which the instruments had been subjected, in the readings of the thermometers employed by the "Challenger" expedition for observing deep-sea temperatures, and which were extended to include the compressibility of water, glass and mercury. To Pierre's timid look of inquiry after reading the letter she replied by asking him to go, but to fix a definite date for his return. This geological claim for a vast antiquity of the human race is supported by the similar claims of prehistoric archaeology and the science of culture, the evidence of all three departments of inquiry being intimately connected, and in perfect harmony. It will be convenient to mention here a feature of Ciceronian prose on which singular light has been thrown by recent inquiry. The line of inquiry has thus been directed to ascertaining what formative relation subsists among these species and genera, the last link of the argument reaching to the relation between man and the lower creatures preceding him in time. Example sentences with the word inquiry. With Leibnitz, on the other hand, the logical problem holds the foremost place in philosophical inquiry. " he concluded with a shade of inquiry in his tone. The result of this inquiry is generally intellectual scepticism in a greater or less degree, namely, that the object has no existence for the knower except a relative one, i.e. answering this inquiry only for my wonderful email to lose all the info ' . men who carried their inquiry (historie) beyond both written record and oral tradition to a study of the world around them. The Prime Minister is refusing to comply with Opposition demands for an inquiry into the affair. Anonymous. A sentence using inquiry? You can get details of the relevant line manager from the person you originally dealt with, or by phoning our Inquiry Unit. His earlier views on the doctrine of non-resistance had been sensibly modified by what he saw in France after the revocation of the edict of Nantes and by the course of affairs at home, and in 1688 he published an Inquiry into the Measures of Submission to the Supreme Authority in defence of the revolution. For the purpose of his inquiry he adopts an obvious threefold division into idolaters, Jews and Christians. Examples of inquiry in a Sentence Discovered when Galileo Galilei turned the first astronomical telescope to the heavens in 1610, the Jovian system has been a focus of scientific inquiry ever since. Asked by Wiki User 1 2 3 Answer Top Answer Wiki User Answered 2012-02-19 20:25:49 2012-02-19 20:25:49 i made an inquiry about why he was eating 2 Sandwiches for lunch. When Descartes, having faithfully and successfully followed the mathematico-physical inquiry of his more strictly scientific predecessors, found himself compelled to raise the question how it was possible for him to know what in truth he seemed to know so certainly, the problem entered on a new phase. Elsie called to inquire after my health. set for the sentence. pedagogic inquiry at an organizational level. 4. use "inquiry" in a sentence Humphrey Albertson has been appointed to lead an inquiry into government mishandling of the crisis. 0 0 Charlie Kicksass Lv 7 1 … He concerned himself above all with what fell within the range of exact inquiry, and left to others the larger but less fruitful speculations which can never be brought to the direct test of experiment. On extending his inquiry to other aelotropic crystals he observed a similar variation, and was thus led, in 1825, to the discovery that aelotropic crystals, when heated, expand unequally in the direction of dissimilar axes. Backed by these forces, as well as by the king and the army, Franco effected some useful reforms. It is obvious that no inquiry into commercial policy, or into such social questions as the housing of the poor, can be effective unless this deficiency is remedied. By Maggie Haberman and Michael S. … And it cannot be disproved, for it lies in a sphere beyond the reach of human inquiry. For a long time, however, the Grand Chambre received all cases, then sent them to the Chambre des enquetes with directions; before it too were argued questions arising out of the inquiry made by the Chambre des enquetes, to the decisions of which it gave effect and which it had the power to revise. Thus the problem of the "thing-initself" is dismissed from the inquiry, and philosophy is limited to the sphere of pure thought. 1 decade ago. . It is clear then that the complexity of the subject-matter of ethics is such that no sharply defined boundary lines can be drawn between it and other branches of inquiry. And, since the focus of his almost universal thought and inquiry and of his rich culture and varied life was religion and theology, he must be regarded as the classical representative of modern effort to reconcile science and philosophy with religion and theology, and the modern world with the Christian church. Together they testify to the intellectual value of feminism as a radicalizing energy internal to philosophical inquiry. Unfortunately the statistics of population thus collected were subordinated to the fiscal interests of the inquiry, and no record has been handed down relating to the population of the city and its neighbourhood. Alex shifted, and then his warm lips touched her neck in soft inquiry. Mr. Collins, an early supporter of Mr. Trump, had been serving a 26-month sentence after pleading guilty in 2019 to charges of making false statements to the F.B.I. How We Express Ourselves - PLAY: SOLO & Word Vocabulary/Sentence Starters How can I use the SOLO at home? We get from him no satisfactory answer to the inquiry, What course of action is approved by conscience? In America, inquiry and enquiry are interchangeable, but inquiry dominates. His first work was an inquiry into the authorship of the Commentary on St Paul's Epistles and the Treatise on Biblical Questions, ascribed to Ambrose and Augustine respectively. He was tried by a court of inquiry, who found that his conduct to natives had been "unjustifiable and oppressive," that he had used abusive language to his native officers and personal violence to his men, and that his system of accounts was "calculated to screen peculation and fraud.". It seems that opinions may be formed of inquiry and study alone, which are then constructive; but where intuitive perception or the perceptive imagination is a robust possession, the fruits of research become assimilative - the food of a divining faculty which needs more or less of it according to the power of divination. In addition, after making careful inquiry through various commissions, he reformed the systems of education and police, laid down a comprehensive scheme of irrigation, improved the leave rules and the excessive report-writing of the civil service, encouraged the native princes by the formation of the Imperial Cadet Corps and introduced many other reforms. Oh yes, that's the French ambassador himself! It is not until Aristotle, however, that we have it definitely applied to the literary product 'instead of the inquiry which precedes it. The open-plan office layout and drop-in service means that inquiry ' traffic ' comes in and out all day long. In physics, however, these matters are treated only as regards their material or efficient causes, and the result of inquiry into any one case gives no general rule, but only facilitates invention in some similar instance. 🔊 All of the questions on the personal inquiry were filled in for the insurance agent. oversellblic inquiry which followed concluded that gene therapy has been oversold by the scientists themselves [2] . Your's truly, as acting sheriff, landed the chore of crawling in the pit, following up on this official inquiry. There is thus no reason to doubt the substantial accuracy of Kant's reference to the particular occasion or cause of the critical inquiry. (1) An inquiry is now in progress. High quality example sentences with “objects of inquiry” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English His jests, which were used by his enemies as a charge against him, seem to have originated in religious indifference, or perhaps in a spirit of inquiry which anticipated the ideas of a later age. The link road remains in the draft unitary Development Plan, where it can become the subject of a public inquiry. Synonym Discussion of inquire. For the next twelve years (passed chiefly in London or at Largo, with an occasional visit to the continent of Europe) he continued his physical studies, which resulted in numerous papers contributed by him to Nicholson's Philosophical Journal, and in the publication (1804) of the Experimental Inquiry into the Nature .and Properties of Heat, a work which gained him the Rumford Medal of the Royal Society of London. This ' naive realist ' view places the authority of science firmly in the techniques involved in the method of inquiry itself. Two of the commissioners very shortly resigned, and the whole inquiry became somewhat farcical. This inquiry is further complicated by (c), where the history of Israel and Judah, as related in Judges and I Samuel, has caused endless perplexity. As being probably one of enquiry, and how can it help you get hired in England inquiry... Of private management closely, we will deal with your specific inquiry. to a test! Homes bid on bungalow site Shell Haven future remains unclear Murder inquiry under more... Township that is likely to be different spellings of the establishment commissioner to investigate the conduct of inquiry. Boy, hearing us making the inquiry. oral tradition to a study commissioned for the continuation of marque. The students to find information on automotive turntables please contact us with your specific inquiry. or... 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