Instead, they're usually caused by a bacterial infection or by frequent use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Choose a healthy diet. Foods for Ulcer, Weird isn’t it? This topic will review the initial management of peptic ulcer disease. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, switch to another medicine that won’t cause a peptic ulcer, can’t take amoxicillin because of an allergy to. The following products are considered to be alternative treatments or natural remedies for Stomach Ulcer. An alternative type of medication, known as H2-receptor antagonists, is occasionally used instead of PPIs. Peptic ulcers (stomach or duodenal) are holes hole in the lining of the stomach, duodenum. The infection caused by H. Pylori bacteria causes inflammation of gastric mucosa followed by multiple ulcers formations during recovery. If your stomach ulcer is just caused by taking NSAIDs, a course of PPI medication is recommended. These include yogurt, aged cheeses, miso, and sauerkraut. Probiotics. With treatment, most stomach ulcers will heal within a month or two. How do doctors treat an NSAID-induced peptic ulcer when you have an H. pylori infection? The word “peptic” means that the cause of the problem is due to acid. Tell your doctor if the medicines make you feel sick or dizzy or cause diarrhea or headaches. Treatment goals in the acute setting are the relief of discomfort and protection of the gastric mucosal barrier to promote healing. Sometimes an alternative type of NSAID that's less likely to cause stomach ulcers, called a COX-2 inhibitor, may be recommended. If you do need to keep taking it, long-term treatment with a PPI or H2-receptor antagonist may be prescribed alongside the aspirin to try to prevent further ulcers. If NSAIDs are causing your peptic ulcer and you don’t have an H. pylori infection, your doctor may tell you to. Learn about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for perforated ulcers. This stomach ulcer is also referred to as Equine Gastric Ulcer Syndrome (EGUS). Last Updated On February 23, 2018 By surekha. The two most common types of peptic ulcer are called “gastric ulcers” and “duodenal ulcers”. Treatment consists of such moments: elimination of the cause and restoration of the integrity of the mucous membrane, restoration of the microflora and normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease, in which stomach ulcer forms, called a gastric ulcer. PPIs work by reducing the amount of acid your stomach produces, preventing further damage to the ulcer as it heals naturally. Ulcers can cause several symptoms in the horse, including pain and discomfort, as well as reduced performance. Most stomach ulcers take a few months to heal after treatment. Treatment options include antibiotics and acid-suppressing medications. If your doctor suspects that you have an ulcer he/she will … Doctors only prescribe one protectant—sucralfate (Carafate)—for peptic ulcer disease. Antacids containing alginates are best taken after meals. Treatment will vary depending on the cause of your ulcer. Most stomach ulcers are caused by infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacterium or anti-inflammatory medication, not stress or poor diet as once thought. PPIs reduce stomach acid and protect the lining of your stomach and duodenum. The treatment you need depends on the underlying cause of the stomach ulcer and its severity. There are many possible causes of stomach ulcers in dogs, and though ulcers are usually treatable, there are some extreme cases where an untreated ul… Omeprazole, pantoprazole and lansoprazole are the PPIs most commonly used to treat stomach ulcers. Don’t let that long first word give you a stomachache. In either case, your doctor may prescribe a PPI or histamine receptor blocker to protect the lining of your stomach and duodenum. A doctor will prescribe antibiotics to kill H. pylori. Choose a healthy diet full of fruits, especially with vitamins A and C, vegetables, and whole grains. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), histamine receptor blockers, and protectants can help relieve pain and help your ulcer heal. The most commonly used class of drugs to reduce acid secretion is the H2 receptor blockers which … Antibiotics. Content produced by the NIDDK is carefully reviewed by NIDDK scientists and other experts. How do doctors treat an NSAID-induced peptic ulcer when you have an H. pylori infection? A painful lesion in your stomach is known as gastric or stomach ulcer. Topics under Stomach Ulcer. You may be advised to use an alternative painkiller not associated with stomach ulcers, such as paracetamol. This frequent disease, which affects about 10% of the population and the men several times more often than women. Peptic ulcers are ulcers that form in the stomach or first part of the small intestine (the duodenum). How do doctors treat an H.pylori-induced peptic ulcer? It affects the lining of stomach or the small intestine area (duodenum) forming sores. Of the … Medicines containing bismuth subsalicylate, such as Pepto-Bismol, coat a peptic ulcer and protect it from stomach acid. Causes of peptic ulcer Menu Ann Med Health Sci Res. Next review due: 17 September 2021, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). It develops on the stomach lining or on the upper parts of the intestine and its causes are numerous. Drinking alcohol and smoking slow the healing of a peptic ulcer and can make it worse. Side effects of both medications are usually minor and can include: If your stomach ulcer has been caused by taking NSAIDs, your GP will want to review your use of them. Administer supportive therapy as needed. With treatment, most ulcers heal in a month or two. All medications should be taken exactly as prescribed. You should not treat an ulcer on your own without first seeing your doctor. The test is also unable to distinguish between squamous and glandular disease, and so targeted treatment is not possible. The side effects of these antibiotics are usually mild and can include: You'll be retested at least 4 weeks after finishing your antibiotic course has been completed to see whether there are any H. pylori bacteria left in your stomach. How do doctors treat an NSAID-induced peptic ulcer? Peptic ulcer are sores in the lining of the esophagus, stomach or duodenum. 2. If the infection is still present, your peptic ulcer could return or, rarely, stomach cancer could develop. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice. If you take NSAIDs for other conditions, such as arthritis, you should talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks of using NSAIDs. If treated properly, duodenal ulcers will heal in around four weeks and gastric ulcers in eight. Taking indigestion medication (antacids) may relieve the pain temporarily, but it'll keep coming back if the ulcer isn't treated. The NIDDK translates and disseminates research findings to increase knowledge and understanding about health and disease among patients, health professionals, and the public. Peptic ulcers are open sores that develop on the inside lining of your stomach and the upper portion of your small intestine. Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern time, M-F. NIH staff guidance on coronavirus (NIH Only): U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, As a result, finding the best ulcer treatment for horses is essential if … If you receive treatment for an H. pylori-induced peptic ulcer, check with your doctor before taking antacids. There aren't any special lifestyle measures you need to take during treatment, but avoiding stress, alcohol, spicy foods and smoking may reduce your symptoms while your ulcer heals. Over time, some types of antibiotics can no longer destroy certain types of H. pylori. A perforated ulcer is a wound that burns through the wall of the stomach or other section of the gastrointestinal tract. Side effects of these are usually mild, but can include: These should pass once treatment has been completed. A lot has happened in the treatment of peptic ulcers in the past few years.. Many treatment options focus on reducing or suppressing gastric acid production. Nearly all ulcers are caused by Helicobacter pylori infection or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use. Histamine receptor blockers work by blocking histamine, a chemical in your body that signals your stomach to produce acid. If you suffer from gastric ulcers (a type of peptic ulcer), your stomach lining has been damaged by acid erosion. Symptoms and Treatments for a Gastric Ulcer. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Stomach ulcers in dogs are sores or lesions that form in the lining of the stomach, which protects the organ from damage caused by gastric acid that aids in digestion. STOMACH ulcer treatment: Stomach ulcers can be painful conditions which can negatively impact one's life. Gastric/duodenal ulcers are easily healed with medications, but can become severe without treatment. You may have a repeat gastroscopy after 4 to 6 weeks to check that the ulcer has healed. The antibiotic treatment for an ulcer that has developed after gastric bypass surgery usually lasts 1 to 2 weeks. Your doctor will prescribe different antibiotics to get rid of the infection and cure your peptic ulcer. Some antacids also contain a medicine called an alginate, which produces a protective coating on the lining of your stomach. Depending on the diagnosis, your doctor can adopt an ideal treatment option. Doctors use medicines, surgery, and chemotherapy to treat Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Yogurts contain probiotics that help restore balance to the bacteria … If you smoke, quit. If you need NSAIDs, you can reduce the chance of a peptic ulcer returning by. If an H. pylori infection caused your peptic ulcer, you should finish all of your antibiotics and take any other medicines your doctor prescribes. Get the latest grant and research information from NIH: TTY: +1-866-569-1162, Email: Researchers have not found that diet and nutrition play an important role in causing or preventing peptic ulcers. Your pharmacist can advise on which is most suitable for you. Learn more about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of peptic ulcers at WebMD. Gastric ulcers aren't caused by anything you ate. Before acid blocking drugs became available, milk was used to treat ulcers. Yes, a peptic ulcer can come back. Foods for Stomach Ulcers. Stomach ulcer treatment General advice. If your stomach ulcer is the result of H. pylori, you’ll need antibiotics and drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). The horse’s stomach is covered by two lining tissues: squamous and glandular mucosae: Bleeding from equine gastric ulcers is not a common or consistent finding, so faecal blood/albumin testing is not recommended. With a doctor's help, you can find relief from the ulcer pain, as well as a lifelong cure from the disease. (NIDDK), part of the National Institutes of Health. Eat smaller meals and eat your evening meal 3-4 hours before going to bed. The goal of treatment for peptic ulcer disease is to: Antacids should be taken when you experience symptoms or when you expect them, such as after meals or at bedtime. Gastric ulcers that occur on the inside of the stomach 2. Deglycyrrhizinated … PPIs block the stomach cells that produce acid. Gastric ulcers may be caused by carcinoma or lymphoma, so they must always be biopsied to check that they are not malignant. You may find relief from the pain of a stomach ulcer if you: 1. In the second round of treatment, the doctor may prescribe different antibiotics than those that he or she prescribed the first time. Like PPIs, H2-receptor antagonists work by reducing the amount of acid your stomach produces. Your doctor can change your medicines. Antibiotics can cure most peptic ulcers caused by H. pylori or H. pylori-induced peptic ulcers. The purpose of antibiotic use is … Gastric ulcers tend to heal more slowly than duodenal ulcers. If there are, a further course of eradication therapy using different antibiotics may be given. 2014 Jan4(1):22-9. doi: 10.4103/2141-9248.126604. Gastric or duodenal ulcers (peptic ulcer disease) describe a breach in the epithelium of the gastric … Diagnosis is based on history, clinical signs, gastroscopy, and response to treatment. An “ulcer” is an open sore. There are several types of medicines used to treat a peptic ulcer. If you need to take an NSAID, your doctor may switch you to a different medicine or add medicines to help prevent a peptic ulcer. Gastric Ulcer Treatment Options. Your doctor will decide the best treatment based on the cause of your peptic ulcer. An ulcer in the stomach is called a gastric ulcer, while one in the first part of the intestines is a duodenal ulcer. Studies have examined the use of surface-coating agents, antacids, histamine type-2 receptor antagonists ( ranitidine and cimetidine ), and the proton pump inhibitor omeprazole in a carrier designed to aid passage through the acid stomach into the small intestine for absorption. Uncomplicated gastric ulcers take up to two or three months to heal completely. Usually ulcers cause pain in a number of parts of your body. Health Information Center, Phone: +1-800-860-8747 Peptic ulcers, also known as gastric ulcers or stomach ulcers, can cause abdominal discomfort and pain. (Bloating and burping are not symptoms of peptic ulcer, and vomiting, poor appetite, and nausea are uncommon symptoms of peptic ulcer. If you have an H. pylori infection, a doctor will treat your NSAID-induced peptic ulcer with PPIs or histamine receptor blockers and other medicines, such as antibiotics, bismuth subsalicylates, or antacids. Your doctor may prescribe a medicine used to prevent NSAID-induced ulcers called Misoprosotol. Gastric Ulcer Maintenance Treatment (8 drugs) Gastric Ulcer Prophylaxis (1 drug) NSAID-Induced Gastric Ulcer (7 drugs) Stress Ulcer Prophylaxis (18 drugs) Alternative treatments for Stomach Ulcer. Complications are rare but can be very serious and potentially life-threatening. Acids are the important causative factors and current therapy targets the suppression of gastric HCl and creation of a permissive environment for ulcer healing. It's important to understand the potential risks associated with continued NSAID use. Gastric ulcer is a very common problem. Other symptoms. How can your diet help prevent or relieve a peptic ulcer? Prabhu V, Shivani A; An overview of history, pathogenesis and treatment of perforated peptic ulcer disease with evaluation of prognostic scoring in adults. Take all doses of your antibiotics exactly as your doctor prescribes, even if the pain from a peptic ulcer is gone. Most people will be prescribed a medication called a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) to reduce the amount of acid their stomach produces and allow the ulcer … If you have an H. pylori infection, you'll usually be prescribed a course of 2 antibiotics, … How do doctors treat peptic ulcers caused by ZES? These medications are available to buy over the counter at pharmacies. Your use of NSAIDs will also be reviewed, and taking an alternative painkiller may be advised. Avoid any trigger foods, such as coffee, chocolate, tomatoes, fatty foods or spicy foods. Treatment of peptic ulcers. Consultation with a veterinarian is required before any treatment is started. An antacid may make the pain from a peptic ulcer go away temporarily, yet it will not kill H. pylori. If you have a stomach ulcer, your treatment will depend on what caused it. Garlic is rich in sulfur compounds … Histamine receptor blockers. Most often, medicines heal a peptic ulcer. Gastric ulcer defect called deep gastric mucosa resulting from the inflammatory process caused by damaging factor. More about treating stomach ulcers. Patients with peptic ulcers (gastric or duodenal) who tested positive for H. pylori should be reviewed 6–8 weeks after starting eradication treatment and re-tested, depending on the size of the lesion. Doctors may prescribe triple therapy, quadruple therapy, or sequential therapy to treat an H. pylori-induced peptic ulcer. This allows ulcers to heal and reduces the chance of them will come back. Consider foods containing probiotics. Most ulcers can be treated with a prescription from your doctor, but in rare cases, surgery may be required. If you have an H. pylori infection, you'll usually be prescribed a course of 2 antibiotics, which each need to be taken twice a day for a week. Side effects are uncommon, but may include: All of the above treatments can take several hours before they start to work, so your GP may recommend taking additional antacid medication to neutralise your stomach acid and provide immediate, but short-term, symptom relief. The management of patients with peptic ulcer disease is based on the etiology, ulcer characteristics, and anticipated natural history. Peptic Ulcer Treatment Surgery. temporary reddening of the skin when drinking alcohol, take NSAIDs with a meal if you still need NSAIDs, take medicines to protect your stomach and duodenum while taking NSAIDs, switch to a medicine that won’t cause ulcers. When you have finished your medicines, your doctor may do another breath or stool test in 4 weeks or more to be sure the H. pylori infection is gone. The treatment recommended for you will depend on what caused the ulcer. A peptic ulcer is an erosion in a segment of the gastrointestinal mucosa, typically in the stomach (gastric ulcer) or the first few centimeters of the duodenum (duodenal ulcer), that penetrates through the muscularis mucosae. Tell your doctor about all the prescription and over-the-counter medicines you take. If you smoke or take NSAIDs, peptic ulcers are more likely to come back. Treatment for a stomach ulcer Special diets are now known to have very little impact on the prevention or treatment of stomach ulcers. The treatment option is to treat the gastritis caused by H. Pylori with antibiotics during early stages. An ulcer in the stomach is called a gastric ulcer, while one in the first part of the intestines is a duodenal ulcer. However, stomach ulcers can come back after treatment, although this is less likely to happen if the underlying cause is addressed. The most common symptom of a peptic ulcer is stomach pain.Peptic ulcers include: 1. Over-the-counter antacids and acid blockers may relieve some or all of the pain, but the relief is always short-lived. Treatment for stomach ulcers usually involves a combination of medications which reduce acid secretion, protect the mucosa, and kill H. pylori bacteria (if present). Page last reviewed: 17 September 2018 Except for emergencies and persisting diagnostic uncertainty, surgical treatment is now obsolete. If you're taking low-dose aspirin (an NSAID) to reduce your risk of blood clots, your GP will tell you whether you need to continue taking it. Share on Pinterest. Sometimes, H. pylori bacteria are still present, even after you have taken all the medicines correctly. Sometimes you may be given additional medication called antacids to relieve your symptoms in the short term. Ranitidine is the most widely used H2-receptor antagonist for treating stomach ulcers. Your doctor can help you determine how to continue using an NSAID safely after your peptic ulcer symptoms go away. Get the latest public health information from CDC: Protectants coat ulcers and protect them against acid and enzymes so that healing can occur. ... medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or as a substitute for, professional counseling care, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Doctors prescribe quadruple therapy after the first treatment has failed. A peptic ulcer is a defect in the gastric or duodenal wall that extends through the muscularis mucosa into the deeper layers of the wall. Gastric Ulcer – Causes, Symptoms, Treatment. However, getting rid of the bacteria can be difficult. Medications are usually used to treat mild-to-moderate ulcers. Follow-up management. Duodenal ulcers that occur on the inside of the upper portion of your small intestine (duodenum)The most common causes of peptic ulcers are infection with the b… The NICE clinical guideline notes, however, that this surgery is now rarely performed. For recurrent, severe cases that do not respond to medication, surgery may be necessary. A gastric or duodenal ulcer – sometimes called a peptic ulcer – is a sore that can form on the lining of the stomach or duodenum, the first part of the small intestine. Surgery can include: removing the ulcer tying off bleeding blood vessels sewing tissue from another site onto the ulcer cutting the nerve that controls stomach acid production Consider eliminating milk. The infection and peptic ulcer will heal only if you take all medicines as your doctor prescribes. Most of the time when a gastroenterologist is referring to an “ulcer” the doctor means a peptic ulcer. Follow-up management. This content is provided as a service of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases It’s really important to get the right treatment as soon as possible if you’re diagnosed with a peptic ulcer. Gastric ulcers aren't caused by anything you ate. The first step towards treatment for gastric ulcer begins with the doctor asking you of the possible symptoms and your complete medical history. Symptoms of stomach ulcers are indigestion, abdominal discomfort, or upper abdominal hunger pain or burning. Histamine receptor blockers include. Less common symptoms of a stomach ulcer can include: indigestion; heartburn; loss of appetite; feeling and being sick; weight loss; Some people also find they burp or become bloated after eating fatty foods. For sequential therapy, your doctor will prescribe that you take the following for 5 days: Then the doctor will prescribe you the following for another 5 days: Triple therapy, quadruple therapy, and sequential therapy may cause nausea and other side effects, including. Most patients with gastritis or peptic ulcer disease do not require acute interventions. If you suffer from gastric ulcers (a type of peptic ulcer), your stomach lining has been damaged by acid erosion. Complications. Close menu. Some of the antibiotics may not work as well if you take them with an antacid. Lifestyle measures can improve symptoms, such as: Lose weight if you are overweight. Although bismuth subsalicylate can kill H. pylori, doctors sometimes prescribe it with antibiotics, not in place of antibiotics. The antibiotics most commonly used are amoxicillin, clarithromycin and metronidazole. You also should avoid alcohol. Signs of stomach ulcers in dogs often include abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and weakness among other symptoms. If your stomach ulcer is caused by a Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacterial infection, a course of antibiotics and a medication called a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) is recommended. With treatment, most ulcers heal in a month or two. Gastric ulcers are a condition in which ulcers appear along the lining of the stomach. An ulcer can temporarily heal without antibiotics. Antibiotics. He or she may prescribe you other medicines. ; The main symptom of a stomach or duodenal ulcer is upper abdominal pain, which can be dull, sharp, or burning (a hunger-like feeling). )Other associated symptoms may include: Duodenal ulcers take about six weeks to heal. Strictly Equine Gastric Shield. Fortunately, there are certain approaches to this problem which may result in a successful treatment, allowing people suffering from gastric ulcers to find relief. Causes, home remedies, diet, and treatment options are provided. How doctors prescribe antibiotics may differ throughout the world. Gastric Ulcer Treatment Market Size, Share and Global Trend By Drug class (Antibiotics, Antacids, H2 receptor antagonist, Anti-Histamines, Proton pump Inhibitor(PPIs)), By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacy, Retail Pharmacy, Online Pharmacy) and Geography Forecast till 2026 Peptic ulcer disease can return, even if you have been careful to reduce your risk. Nonsurgical treatment. Impact of concurrent treatment with omeprazole on phenylbutazone‐induced equine gastric ulcer syndrome (EGUS) Megan Ricord Equine Health Studies Program, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA Learn more about Zollinger-Ellison syndrome treatment. Vonoprazan Fumarate for the Treatment of Gastric Ulcers: A Short Review on Emerging Data Elisa Marabotto,1 Sebastiano Ziola,1 Vincenzo Savarino,1 Edoardo Giovanni Giannini,1 Manuele Furnari,1 Giorgia Bodini,1 Fabiana Zingone,2 Matteo Ghisa,2 Brigida Barberio,2 Patrizia Zentilin,1 Edoardo Savarino2 1Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Genoa, Genoa, … They're usually prescribed for 4 to 8 weeks. How do doctors treat peptic ulcer disease? In the majority of patients, treatment will also entail administration of drugs that reduce gastric acid secretion, and that provide mucosal protection in the face of an ulcer. Treatment options can include: medication – including antibiotics, to destroy the H. pylori colony, and drugs to help speed the healing process. Yes, foods could actually prevent/cure … Your doctor may also prescribe medicines to reduce stomach acid and coat and protect your peptic ulcer. The chief goals of ulcer treatment are reducing the amount of acid in the stomach and strengthening the protective lining that comes in direct contact with stomach acids. Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a break in the inner lining of the stomach, the first part of the small intestine, or sometimes the lower esophagus. Stomach Ulcer (Gastric Ulcer): (Overview, Signs and Symptoms, Causes and Risk factors, Diagnosis, Treatment) Indigestion A gastric ulcer forms when the gastric juices start depleting the mucosa and compromise the lining of the digestive system. Gastric ulcer can be quite a painful disease, manifesting through high levels of discomfort and many agonizing moments. Talk with your doctor about any side effects that bother you. Gastric and duodenal ulcers are both types of peptic ulcers. How to Treat Gastric Ulcer. Treatment of Stomach Ulcers in Dogs. EGUS is a common problem in horses and foals. A doctor will prescribe antibiotics to kill H. pylori. Treatment of peptic ulcers varies depending on the etiology and clinical presentation (see Guidelines).The initial management of a stable patient with dyspepsia differs from the management of an unstable patient with upper gastrointestinal (GI) hemorrhage. You need to see your doctor immediately once you diagnose the issue. If your stomach ulcer is caused by a Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) bacterial infection, a course of antibiotics and a medication called a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) is recommended. While PPIs can’t kill H. pylori, they do help fight the H. pylori infection. Eat Garlic Cloves. Duodenal ulcers are very rarely malignant. For quadruple therapy, your doctor will prescribe that you take the following for 14 days: Doctors prescribe quadruple therapy to treat patients who. To help prevent a peptic ulcer caused by NSAIDs, ask your doctor if you should. At the beginning of the disease, a mucosal defect arises, and then complications that are dangerous to the patient's life develop. Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a break in the inner lining of the stomach, the first part of the small intestine, or sometimes the lower esophagus. You're more likely to develop another stomach ulcer and could experience a serious complication, such as internal bleeding. Not eating vitamin-rich foods may make it difficult for your body to heal your ulcer. If your doctor determines that you have an H. pylori infection, you will need treatment for that as well. If the cause is bacterial, antibiotics can help cure the ulcer. Normally, the gastric mucosa has an amazing property – the ability to self-protect against the aggressive action of hydrochloric acid, which is produced by special glands of the gastric mucosa for successful digestion. have previously received a macrolide antibiotic, such as clarithromycin. Gastric ulcer is also called by other names like peptic ulcer, dyspepsia and duodenal ulcer. Symptoms of stomach or duodenum with your doctor can help relieve pain and discomfort, sequential... Your antibiotics exactly as your doctor determines that you have been careful to reduce stomach acid and protect them acid! Prescribe quadruple therapy, or sequential therapy to treat stomach ulcers will heal a! Are more likely to cause stomach ulcers, can cause abdominal discomfort and protection the... Scientists gastric ulcer treatment other experts at the beginning of the esophagus, stomach or gastric ulcer is stomach pain.Peptic ulcers:! 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