These suggestions for writing a goodbye letter for co-workers can help you acknowledge these people appropriately and make the transition a little easier for you and for them. Here is a more detailed excerpt: "Female Their one-night stand resulted in her pregnancy, a truth Ben refused to acknowledge because he was engaged to Izzy Cornwell by then. If wedding guests took the time to attend your wedding with a gift in hand, you must acknowledge them. 38. Before Him they all bow in worship and acknowledge that by Him were created all things and of His own free will were all created. Many of the conquered repeated that proud, sad answer of the men of Rochelle to the English: We will acknowledge you with our lips; but with our hearts, never! She didn't want to acknowledge there might be truth to anything he said except for one: she couldn't dig a grave. Although more studies need to be performed, scientists acknowledge the high number of antioxidants in the acai fruit and its theorized ability to help people lose weight fast. The celebrated athlete won't even deign to acknowledge her old friends. Recent Examples on the Web Cindric began this season as Xfinity's acknowledged road course master, with two 2019 wins, but hadn't won on an oval track. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter using the enclosed reply slip. One aspect of aging with grace is to acknowledge that everyone needs help sometimes. Here Trendelenburg finds the dividing line between philosophical systems. Kris looked at each of the brothers then back at him, as if forced to acknowledge what—or who—had compelled them back. A dethroned sultan of Morocco, named Mulai Ahmad (Mahommed XI. From1610-1618he was a prisoner in the hands of the Polish king, Sigismund III., whom he refused to acknowledge as tsar of Muscovy on being sent on an embassy to the Polish camp in 1610. Example sentences with the word acknowledged. We cast the recognition problem as a binary classification task, in which we determine whether a given sentence from a publication discusses self-acknowledged limitations or not. Furthermore, the visionary who is found at most periods of great spiritual excitement was forced by the prejudice of his time, which refused to acknowledge any inspiration in the present, to ascribe his visionary experiences and reinterpretations of the mysterious traditions of his people to some heroic figure of the past. How shall we acknowledge applause, that is, take a bow? How to use acknowledge in a sentence as a verb. In the provinces and even in Italy his subjects were ready to acknowledge his divinity - with the sole exception of the Jews. Before you set out to start learning to drive your automatic car, you should take a moment to acknowledge that you actually have it quite easy. Keep in mind that some addicts refuse to acknowledge their addiction or seek treatment no matter what is said to them. It was now taught that prophecy in general was a peculiarity of the Old Testament ("lex et prophetae usque ad Johannem"); that in the new covenant God had spoken only through apostles; that the whole word of God so far as binding on the Church was contained in the apostolic record - the New Testament; 2 and that, consequently, the Church neither required nor could acknowledge new revelations, or even instructions, through prophets. Acknowledge to yourself that you actually do have a problem (if you do have a problem of course). be acknowledged as something He is widely acknowledged as the best player in the world. Is there a spiritual dimension to human life which we need to acknowledge? The first task was to reduce Hungary to obedience, for the Magyars refused to acknowledge the validity of the abdication in so far as it cou~ cerned Hungary, on the ground that such an act would only be valid with the consent of the Hungarian parliament. The Director decided to acknowledge the existence of two kinds of quality that a museum can have. However, acknowledging receipt of such ticket makes it valid and thus enforceable. On the 19th of June a son was born to his wife, and in the face of his previous protestations he was induced to acknowledge himself the father. On the death of George William the last duke in 1675, however, Austria refused to acknowledge the validity of the treaty and annexed the duchies. The Acknowledged meaning in Urdu will surely enhance your vocabulary. Teen suicide is preventable if a loved one takes the time to acknowledge the suffering adolescent. Time can also mean continuity, and it can mean keeping acknowledged truths in mind despite differences in circumstances. General Arthur refused to resign on the ground that to retire "under fire" would be to acknowledge wrong-doing, and claimed that as the abuses were inherent in a widespread system he should not be made to bear the responsibility alone. When we further remember the relation which the five students mentioned above had long borne to him, and that they had passed through a similar culture, it is not difficult to understand that his persuasions were successful, and that his old disciples were the first to acknowledge him in his new character. Athens, whose general Chares had supported Artabazus, was by the threatening messages of the king forced to conclude peace, and to acknowledge the independence of its rebellious allies (355 B.C.). When the clergy, refusing to acknowledge the authority of the Burgesses in reducing their stipends, and, appealing to the king against the Assembly, entered the courts to recover damages from the vestries, Patrick Henry at Hanover court in 1763 easily convinced the jury and the people that the old church was wellnigh worthless. In the west Manus made unceasing efforts to assert the supremacy of the O'Donnells in north Connaught, where he compelled O'Conor Sligo to acknowledge his overlordship in 1539. Engagement party gifts are a great way to celebrate a couple's new status or for the couple to acknowledge the love and support of their family and friends. It owed its ascendancy in to restore nearly a hundred churches to the sects and to acknowledge the sway of Rakoczy over the north Hungarian counties. City Councilman Chris Cate – who helped get Measure D on the ballot this year – acknowledges it’s not entirely clear whether Measure D could be used to remove Beiser from office. In the 13th century the island stood as a rule under the control of Italian adventurers, who were, however, at times compelled to acknowledge the overlordship of the emperors of Nicaea, and failed to protect it against the depredations of Turkish corsairs. Sentence 2: In order to be the best (Select) workplace etiquette should be acknowledged. Memon did not acknowledge his son or his words. iconographyting images acknowledge the metaphorical role that materials and objects play in developing various iconographies. It can be shown, however, that Newton was not ignorant of Bacon's works, and Dr Fowler explains his silence with regard to them on three grounds: (1) that Bacon's reputation was so well established that any definite mention was unnecessary, (2) that it was not customary at the time to acknowledge indebtedness to contemporary and recent writers, and (3) that Newton's genius was so strongly mathematical (whereas Bacon's great weakness was in mathematics) that he had no special reason to refer to Bacon's experimental principles. Those who practically acknowledge the supremacy of Jesus as Messiah accept all that is essential to the Christianity of Locke. Ibn Omar did not acknowledge Merwan as caliph. But it was only by slow degrees that he was brought to acknowledge the necessity of choosing his ministers from amongst the men who had done these things. This might explain why Disraeli never did acknowledge authorship of the book. Thus, they were acknowledged as local samurai by kokuga and thereby obtained their status as a samurai. But he forced the most powerful of them to acknowledge the jurisdiction of the ancient local courts; and the old fyrd-system was maintained in order that the crown might not be wholly dependent on feudal levies. Although they acknowledge a certain "car crash" effect similar to the idea of drivers craning their necks to see a bad accident, they point towards human compassion as the driving force. By the time a child is about two and a half or three, the child is able to acknowledge that a death has occurred but will not really understand the reality of death. We experimented with three methods: a rule when Manfred, who by Frederick's will had been charged with the government of the two Sicilies, felt obliged to acknowledge the pope's suzerainty, Innocent threw off the mask, ignored Conradin's claims, and on the 24th of October formally asserted his own claims to Calabria and Sicily. Notwithstanding the victory of Cape St Vincent, England was brought into such extreme peril by the mutinies in the fleet that she offered to acknowledge the French conquest of the Netherlands and to restore the French colonies. Without waiting for him to acknowledge her, she leaned over him and plopped it down, unconcerned with spilling it, before returning to the kitchen for the pot. They are unwilling to fully acknowledge their sin, to really feel sinful. Actual modes of expression are shown to embody distinctions which average intelligence can easily recognize and will readily acknowledge, though they may tend by progressive rectification fundamentally to modify the assumption natural to the level of thought from which he begins. We acknowledge one baptism for remission of sins. The days when she was the Christian Church are past: and now the civic rights of a man in a modern state are not curtailed, though he may neglect his duty to the Church or flatly refuse to acknowledge the existence of any such duty. Were you afraid I was too much of a prude to acknowledge him? Blinded by hubris, the terrorist refused to acknowledge that his downfall was approching. Should the Church take the decisive step into the world, conform to its customs, and acknowledge as far as possible its authorities ? acknowledged definition: known or accepted by many people. use "acknowledged" in a sentence When they were introduced, he acknowledged her by shaking hands, andlooking at her warmly. Leader We acknowledge before your throne of mercy, O Lord, the sin of indifference and ambivalence. Acknowledge definition is - to recognize the rights, authority, or status of. Many of the Boers who would not acknowledge British rule trekked once more over the mountains into what are now the Orange Free State and Transvaal provinces. As a matter of fact Lancaster was a more honest man than his enemies suspected; he hastened to acknowledge his little nephews rights, acknowledged him as prince of Wales, and introduced him as his grandfathers heir before the parliament of January 1377. Feng shui principles acknowledge the correct cycle of the five elements and teaches you how to apply them in your home and life for a balanced life so chi energy can thrive. Confronted by civil war, and deprived of Hlum by the Hungarians, she was compelled to acknowledge the suzerainty of Stephen Dushan, and afterwards of Louis. His greatest success, however, was gained in the Eternal City itself; for he contrived, after many vicissitudes, to induce the Romans to annul their republican constitution and acknowledge the papal supremacy, even in municipal matters. engage with audiences and acknowledge that we need to improve on this. In common with other northern princes, Mangasha, reputed son and heir of King John, with the yelloweyed Ras Alula, 3 refused to acknowledge the sovereignty of Menelek; but, on the latter marching against them in the following January with a large army, they submitted. Acknowledge both spouses, even if minimal contact is the only relationship with the other. All Rights Reserved. The council, with Thomas Cromwell at their head, visited him on the 7th of May 1 535, and his refusal to acknowledge Henry as supreme head of the church was the ground of his trial. Acknowledge the child's behavior and emotions. Sentence of excommunication was passed on Friedrich in April 1871, but he refused to acknowledge it and was upheld by the Bavarian government. He was raised to the throne by those Parthian grandees who would not acknowledge Vonones I., whom Augustus had sent from Rome (where he lived as hostage) as successor of his father Phraates IV. 17. Strange as it was to her to acknowledge this feeling in herself, yet there it was. So conspicuous were Belisarius's heroism and military skill that the Ostrogoths offered to acknowledge him emperor of the West. But Sabuktagin, throughout his reign at Ghazni, continued to acknowledge the Samanid suzerainty, as did Mahmud also, until the time, soon after succeeding to his father's dominions, when he received from Qadir, caliph of Bagdad (see Caliphate, C. § 25), a khilat (robe of honour), with a letter recognizing his sovereignty, and conferring on him the titles Yamin-addaula (" Right hand of the State"), and Amin-ulMillat (" Guardian of the Faith"). This is to acknowledge your letter of June 6, 1998. Then the server repeatedly requests the receiver acknowledge receipt In a fit of jealousy the emperor commanded that this masterpiece should be thrown down, and sent commissioners to Amber charged with the execution of this order; whereupon Mirza, in order to save the structure, had the columns plastered over with stucco, so that the messengers from Agra should have to acknowledge to the emperor that the magnificence, which had been so much talked of, was after all pure invention. The loss of Pegu was long a matter of bitter regret, and he absolutely refused to acknowledge it by a formal treaty. Raghoji died in 1755, and in 1769 his son and successor, Janoji, was forced to acknowledge the peshwa's effective supremacy. spiritual dimension to human life which we need to acknowledge? Motasim had just returned to Samarra when a serious revolt broke out in Tabaristan, Maziyar, one of the hereditary chiefs of that country, refusing to acknowledge the authority ofAbdallah Ibn Tahir, the governor of Khorasan, of which Tabaristan was a province. Of course, both Michael Phelps and Speedo acknowledge that what makes him a champion is a combination of talent, skill and discipline. Examples of Acknowledge in a sentence The president will acknowledge the soldiers’ suspicious deaths during his address to the nation. The problems particularly of the primitive history were first brought into clear light by him, and all subsequent work upon the subject must acknowledge its indebtedness to him. But now,, when Edward met the Scottish magnates, who had asked for his services as arbitrator, he demanded that they should acknowledge that he was acting as suzerain and overlord Of the whole kingdom of Scotland. Subsequently he invaded and ravaged Elis, forcing the Eleans to acknowledge the freedom of their perioeci and to allow Spartans to take part in the Olympic games and sacrifices. affirmation of truth in a pluralist world, in a world where we have to acknowledge pluralism? Historical Tales, Vol 5 (of 15) Charles Morris USE acknowledged IN A SENTENCE The nations will be blessed when they acknowledge the Lord Jesus Jesus Christ is given absolute dominion and there is no wiggle room. As a result of this lack of education he prefers to lash out, rather than acknowledge your different interests. Sentence Examples I looked up, right at him, and didn't smile, wave, or even acknowledge him in any way. In addition, parents should acknowledge firstborns as people, not the products of their efforts. The acknowledged list of example sentences with acknowledged. After this new pacification, Merwan caused the Syrians to acknowledge his two sons as heirs to the Caliphate, and married them to two daughters of Hisham. While neither the party nor the gifts are required, gifts can be a nice way to acknowledge a couple's new relationship. It is time to acknowledge the war on drugs is just not winnable. While you don't have to shout from the rooftops that you are distraught, you may want to take some time to acknowledge that you are having difficulty with it. Inheriting the trade of ruined Tyre and becoming the centre of the new commerce between Europe and the Arabian and Indian East, the city grew in less than a century to be larger than Carthage; and for some centuries more it had to acknowledge no superior but Rome. During these years Langton had been residing at Pontigny, formerly the refuge of Becket. Ludwig is the first sentence search engine that helps you write better English by giving you contextualized examples taken from reliable sources. Most all Skybus reviews acknowledge that, at $10 a ticket, Skybus takes budget air travel to a whole new level. The other vamps didn't so much as acknowledge her as she stepped from the car. It is indeed plain that such a sacrifice - for we have here to do, not with human victims in general, but with the sacrifice of the dearest earthly thing - could only be paid to the supreme deity; and Manasseh and his people never ceased to acknowledge Yahweh as the God of Israel.. On the 7th the Hungarian diet formally refused to acknowledge the title of the new king, " as without the knowledge and consent of the diet no one could sit on the Hungarian throne," and called the nation to arms. This last clause led to a long and desultory war with Thebes, which refused to acknowledge the independence of the Boeotian towns under its hegemony: the Cadmeia, the citadel of Thebes, was treacherously seized by Phoebidas in 382 and held by the Spartans until 379. Acknowledge sentence examples acknowledge Jessi didn't acknowledge him at all. 635 123 She bit her lip but didn't acknowledge what I said. It is particularly interesting to find in the Amarna letters that the supremacy of Egypt meant also that of the national god, and the loyal Palestinian kings acknowledge that their land belonged to Egypt's king and god. Ali pretended to grant an amnesty to all Omayyads who should come in to him at Abu Fotros (Antipatris) and acknowledge the new caliph,and even promised them the restitution of all their property. Opportunities to acknowledge an employee come in a variety of events. It is a view difficult to prove, and probably few will acknowledge that Clarke has conclusively proved it. ), who after some resistance had to acknowledge Muirchertach O'Lochlainn's supremacy. ", 242-244; " It resteth therefore that, without fig-leaves, I do ingenuously confess and acknowledge, that having understood the particulars of the charge, not formally from the House but enough to inform my conscience and memory, I find matter sufficient and full, both to move me to desert the defence, and to move your lordships to condemn and censure me.". The idea is that the toy version of Buzz Lightyear was based on a "real" astronaut hero, but he refused to acknowledge his toy status. Charles Greville in his Memoirs says, "In the present cabinet are five or six first-rate men of equal, or nearly equal, pretensions, none of them likely to acknowledge the superiority or defer to the opinions of any other, and every one of these five or six considering himself abler and more important than their premier"; and Sir James Graham wrote, "It is a powerful team, but it will require good driving.". Mahommedans who do not acknowledge the spiritual authority of the Ottoman sultan, such as the Persians and Moors, look to their own rulers for the proclamation of a jihad; there has been in fact no universal warfare by Moslems on unbelievers since the early days of Mahommedanism. acknowledge somebody/something The country acknowledged his claim to the throne. Their reluctance to acknowledge a female sovereign was increased when Henry gave her in marriage to Geoffrey Plantagenet, the heir of Anjou and Maine (1129); nor was it removed by the birth of the future Henry II. You can laugh along with the silly quotes and ditzy stereotypes, but make sure you acknowledge the true athlete that resides in the heart of each young man and woman. If you see a behavior you do not want, it is better just not to acknowledge this than to say "No, no, no!". Here is the sentence: Female sexuality within the working classes of Western Europe was acknowledged in a way that it was not within the middle class. The schism between the two parties was, however, far from being healed; the bishop of Rome and the bishops of Egypt refused to acknowledge Flavian, and Paulinus, who by the extreme Eustathians had been elected bishop in opposition to Meletius, still exercised authority over a portion of the church. Many voters absent in the Confederate army when the vote was taken refused to acknowledge the transfer on their return. If those around her acknowledge the loss as a "real" one, only then will she be able to grieve and start the healing process. confessio, from confiteor, acknowledge, confess), a term meaning in general the admission and acknowledgment that one has done something which otherwise might remain undisclosed, especially the acknowledgment of guilt or wrong-doing, either in public or to somebody specially entitled to such knowledge. In the 11th it was called Rebellum, because it refused to acknowledge the sovereignty of Amalfi, and in the 13th, when at the height of its prosperity, it had 36,000 inhabitants. " Alexander was at last crushed by the Thebans, compelled to acknowledge the freedom of the Thessalian cities and to limit his rule to Pherae, and forced to join the Boeotian league. He didn't acknowledge her as she entered the surprisingly large bathroom. Every governor who followed him was forced by the logic of events and truth tacitly to acknowledge that right lay with the free-state party. To acknowledge this generosity, the founders changed the brand name to Elgin National Watch Company in 1874. In 1884 Great Britain, which up to that time had steadily refused to acknowledge that Portugal possessed territorial rights north of Ambriz, concluded a treaty recognizing Portuguese sovereignty over both banks of the lower Congo; but the treaty, meeting with opposition in England and Germany, was not ratified. For example with replica sets, you can do things like dont acknowledge this write until its on nodes in at least 2 data centers.> 2. and in him they shall acknowledge Christ as though present, and as far as is becoming shall venerate him"; poverty is enjoined, and this rule affects not only the individual but the common sustentation or care of the Society, except that in the case of colleges revenues are allowed "to be applied to the wants and necessities of the students"; and the private recitation of the Office is distinctly mentioned. In one small chamber there was cleared a frieze, of cupids intermingled with foliage; but in this, after the first moments of illusion, it was only possible to acknowledge the hand of some unknown late and lax decorator of the school, influenced as much by Raphael as by Leonardo. We acknowledge one baptism for the forgiveness of sins. It was conquered by the Vascones in the 6th century, and in 819 became a viscounty dependent on the dukes of Aquitaine - a feudal link which was broken in the 11th century, when the viscounts ceased to acknowledge any suzerain. The flower of his army was in Asia and his treasury was empty; but he contrived to extort funds from the " New Christians," and collected a force of some 18,000 men, chiefly untrained lads, wornout veterans, and foreign free-lances. There were few indeed at that time that did not acknowledge it. She would be falsely modest not to acknowledge that she had come a very long way since those early days. What does acknowledged mean? It even appears from a study of the Greek text that some copies of the books of Samuel incorporated narratives which other copies did not acknowledge. Early in the 6th century the Spartan kings Leon and Agasicles made a vigorous attack on Tegea, the most powerful of the Arcadian cities, but it was not until the reign of Anaxandridas and Ariston, about the middle of the century, that the.attack was successful and Tegea was forced to acknowledge Spartan overlordship, though retaining its independence. Palaeologus wished the pope to acknowledge his title to be emperor of the East, and in return promised submission to the papal supremacy and the union of the two churches on the pope's own terms. We may be able to tackle and explicitly acknowledge this subjectivity, by collective development. He failed to acknowledge my departure as I returned to our room. I did not acknowledge that he had done anything wrong. Include a card with your full name and address in the envelope so they can acknowledge your donation. To disown means to refuse to acknowledge a relationship with someone. The Bulgarian danger, and probably the energetic and successful operations of the Greek emperor Basil the Macedonian (867-886), determined the Servian Zhupans to acknowledge again the suzerainty of the Greek emperors. Abi Arta made his expedition against Medina and Mecca, whose inhabitants were compelled to acknowledge the caliphate of Moawiya. A health insurance and will acknowledge receipt of this age may also be angry people! Impulse of the High Commission to death sofi indirectly confirmed something he widely. A formal treaty and adjust accordingly the party nor the gifts are required, gifts can a. The year 1842 parents should acknowledge your letter of June 6, 1998 fact there might be to! During his address to the nation build the house, and in 1769 his son and successor Janoji! Deprived Arundel of all authority, and acknowledge any ecclesiastical jurisdiction outside kingdom... 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